Sunday, August 8, 2010

Don't Worry About Tomorrow . . .

While the fam is out in the micro-skiff on Auke Lake I'd thought I'd blog a bit about tomorrow.

My Proposed Schedule (If Only!):
6:30 am Wake up, take a shower, drink a cup of coffee, have a moment of quiet while experiencing no stress or worry, simply focusing on The Grand Plan and where I fit in.
7:15 am Wake The Boy, beg him to hush and not wake his sister, get him to down the liquid Valum that Dr. M mercifully prescribed, have him drink his Chocolate B, and the gently break it to him that today is the day he starts IV treatments . . .
7:45 am Jump in the red car, drive to BRH Infusion Therapy, check in and be ready by 8am SHARP! Be greeted by a kind and patient nurse who will then describe our infusion options, choose the best one and get on with it.
8:30 Rejoice that a quick and painless procedure is done and over with, quick infusion. . .Maybe work on "sobering up" TB before his sister sees him :-) Stop by the ER and have a brief but reassuring chat with the doc about infection control procedures for the evening infusions.

All though I know this may not be how it all goes down, I am choosing to be optimistic, open minded, and positive. My prayers are simple: Let this be but a stepping stone away from the unknown, may we be both a presence and a light, may TB be healed completely. Amen.